An insult slightly more offensive then ur dad lesbian. Although it is not as offensive as ur granny tranny. This isult should only be used as a last resort if not u could be another ur granny tranny victim.
Robert: ur mum gay
James: no u
Robert: ur dad lesbian
James: ur papa pans
Robert: ur granny tranny
James: *blackhole forms in ass succing James instantly to hell*
Another very bad variation of ur mom that is generally used when speaking about incest but can also be used in many other situations.
Warning: using this variation of the common phrase "ur mom" may cause confusion due to it's unpopularity.
John: hey bro, what's up?
Dick: ur cousin
John: what?
When you let someone make there own choice. Even though the right thing to do is go cuddle and watch a movie.
Its ur call if you are coming over
You can’t recover from this insult, it will absolutely end your career and your life’ll be ruined
Eugene: ur family tree LGBT
Chad: ur brother sexually identifies as other
Eugene: *loses his job and commits suicide a day later*
Ur boogus means asshole and ur boogus loved being in peoples asshole he was also a really known and big hacker that everyone wanted to be and clowned every and was also zilo runs us long lost ghost
I love eating out Ur boogus
The peak of all insults, 20 times more effective than Ur Grandpap a Trap and Ur Granny Tranny.
"Ur Mom Gay"
"Ur Dad Lesbian"
"Ur Granny Tranny"
"Ur Grandpap a Trap"
"Ur Uncle Normie Non Conformie"...
A new universe is created and we surpass alien life.
oh my god its your dad oh wait he doesnt exist. (tur: matt doesnt have a dad) Mat: oh wow we have something in common!!11!
ur non existent dad doesnt exist 😱😱😱😱