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Daniel is my p.e teacher, he’s also a pedophile and makes me really uncomfortable 🤭

by idkman8888 September 18, 2022


Daniel will always be a massive dick. He gets 0 bitches.Danieps are usually pedos so be careful. And Daniels loves little children

Daniels means fuck me. Daniel I hate myself.

by The master bater 69 June 4, 2022


An act where a white boy who is sexually attracted to geese and chickens. He makes them go bawk on his cawk and loves their feathry assholes.

I just pulled a daniel those eggs gonna come out with some extra sauce on them

by doodoolicker1983 November 24, 2021


Daniel's can count for a lot whild.

Daniel's will always be there.

Under any given circumstances.

by FriendlyFather April 7, 2024


stupid as fuck

that guy is like daniel, dumb as hell

by danielisfuckingstupid April 2, 2022


Daniel is a kid with a small dick and a horrible personality. He is always backstabbing his friends. He would do anything for his family, but nothing for his friends. Stay away from a Daniel!

Friend 1: What did Daniel say?
Friend2: He always says something behind our backs!

by Jacxkkkkkk June 9, 2022


Daniel is the true xXpuzzyslayerXx. He eats ass faster than the speed of light and his handsomeness Will littarly blow u away. Daniel also gets all the ladies and noone stand the smallest chance against him.

Girl 1: Omfg Daniel just slapped My butthole and it felt amazing!
Girl 2: No way Daniel is mine bitch!

by Daniel's bitch December 12, 2016