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Like kung-fu only douchier.

"Allie was practicing black belt douche-fu tonight at my party.

by JASCAF July 26, 2011


Those "hoverboards" that only douchebag ride on

Check out my new douche-glide I now don't have to use my legs to go places!

by Dafuqlmao-_- January 10, 2016


When a crowd of four-five douche bags are isolated from a crowd, (with the exception of a couple of outsiders) and are trying to "show off", impress somebody, or are just being plain douchey.

Bob, Steve, Peter, John, and Vincent are playing basketball and keep trying to hit three pointers, but they're totally failing. Don't get me started on the way Peter tripped while doing a layup trying to impress Sheila. Can you say douche-a-palooza?

by YOSHNCLRS February 22, 2015

Douche canoe

A fuckhead that is the size of a small boat.

My ex boss was such a douche canoe. She constantly lied about staff behind their back.

by Peaches&Boo January 10, 2017

Douche Canoe

A douche of such magnitude you need a watercraft to navigate.

I can't believe he stole that kids bike, what a douche canoe!

by txdollface January 15, 2016

Douche canoe

A person who reaches the apex of douche baggery. This person is generally a loser that lives in a small town and act like he is a bad ass. Rumor has it that most Steve's are douche canoes, though douche canoes have other names as well. Rumor also has it that Steve's who are douche canoes also have a small penis which explains their napoleon complex.

Steve is such a douche canoe, there is no one in earth that compares. If there were Olympics that involved douche canoe racing, he would get the gold every time.

by Steveisabitchassdouchecanoe December 15, 2017

Douche canoe

Travis Howell

Travis is such a douche canoe

by Blaw dog December 31, 2018