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Freddy five bear

There is this animatronic of a bear named Freddy five bear with his friends named bunny the bon bon, chica the kitchen, and foxy the fox pirate arr

Har har har har har har har har har har har har har har har” - Freddy five bear


by Eggytheraccoon44 January 20, 2024

Non-Polar Bear

A two-headed polar bear, like a Pushmi-Pullyu, as seen in the CrashCourse Chemistry episode, Polar and Non-Polar Molecules.

Me: What is that two-headed polar bear? It looks cursed!
My chemistry teacher: It honestly reminds me of the Pushmi-Pullyu from Dr. Dolittle.

Me: Guess I should call it a non-polar bear.

by iloveurbandictionary😊😍😃 March 2, 2023

bear trap play

a sexual indulgence for mizzou students after 11pm.

dude, my girl refused to try bear trap play.
bro, she’s not wifey material.

by spoopypotatoes August 20, 2023

Colorado Bear-trap

The Colorado Bear-trap is when your fucking a girl and right as your about to bust a nut, spread her asshole apart, drop your dick down into it and let it rip. When you pull it out her asshole will clamp shut and thus, the trap is set.

I gave Cindy a Colorado Bear-trap last night, she loved it.

by Stirmanator December 10, 2018

Colorado bear trap

When a twink is sitting on a Bears (large hairy gay man) dick and right before the bear cums he wraps his legs around the twink and cums into the twinks ass.

I thought my uncle and I were wrestling, but then the next thing I knew he caught me in a Colorado Bear Trap!

by Oral of the story August 14, 2022

Momma Bear

A mother that is protective and cares about her kids and their friends

When Momma Bear speaks, she means business!

by I3Biscuit October 29, 2021

polar bear living room

An area that is soooo cold, that it is probably the temperature that arctic bears would like to keep their home.

"Let's crank up the heat, it's like a polar bear living room in here!!"

by halli3sandbag January 27, 2012