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suck wind

v. to be a butt-kisser or to constantly be tailing someone around.

"Dave in accounting sucks wind so much, he'll be president in no time."

by ian November 18, 2004

suck wind

a type of flatulation that can only be released through the tight clenching of the buttock muscles. the colloquial "suck in your butt" applies here.

Okay now suck in your butt! Whoops...sorry. Suck wind.

by ucjonnybee November 16, 2004

suck wind

When a womans vagina draws in are durring sex either because of her position or the withdrawl of her partners member.

Careful babe you always suck wind when we do it like that.

by David November 17, 2004


When performing oral sex to the male member, to lung-suck is to create a vacuum where activating the cores diaphragm as to the starting point following the inhalation power of the lungs when disabling air from coming into the body by way of the nose or lips while using your lips as the only point of contact to the males penis, drawing the blood to progressively fill in result the engorgement of the penis and feeling this reward to what can be full capacity deep the inlay of the throat for a graceful induction of deep-throat depending discipline of host’s skill and ability.

I can’t wait to feel your hardening cock wrapped in my throat once I lungsuck your flaccid dick with my lips sealed at the base of your cock!

Start face fucking me when you are about to blow your load so I can lung-suck while my throat relaxed feeling your cum slide down to the pit of my bellybottom!

by DomMasterPleaser June 1, 2021

dick my suck

Dick my suck is an expression ONLY used by the real cool kids (probably millenials)

Millenial: Oy bitch, dick my suck!
Me (in my mind): pls kys

by lucacola March 14, 2018

suck ur own dick

something a 13 year old says after being beat in valorant *i learned this from personal experience*

kid1: i fucked ur mum last night!
kid 2: no u godamn didnt, go suck ur own dick autistic faggot!

by i_Fucked_ur_mum_last_night February 17, 2021

titty sucking and bitch fucking

an individual who is titty sucking and bitch fucking

P1: Hey, what are you doing?
P2: titty sucking and bitch fucking
P1: so proud, son.

by 3mo_nightmar3 November 2, 2023