a two alphabetical word which is easy to use in any circumstances. Usually used by someone named monica to answer most question.
Bill : "I'm gaming!"
Monica : "Oh!"
A person with 72 children in there basement
Hey there’s the Oh
Loves fucking hot girls really hard🤬🤬🤬
Ahhh: says the hot girl
Fuck harder:says the hot girl
No problem:says Oh
the word you say when one of your friends dont wanna do something with you
hey you wanna play gta? no, oh...
basically the word "oh" but you are in more shock and in the moment where someone says something so flabbergasting and shocking you have to have that weird tone saying " okay! " like giving them their moment to shine and be awkward this usually occurs when someone says something embarrassing and awkward, mostly used on floptok or on the replies on one of those "GIRL YES" comments on tiktok.
Joey : i sharted uwu :3
Emmy : oh!
oh simply means idc ( I don't care)
person 1: oh
person 2: well i already know you don't care now