A weapon used by King K. Rool in Super Smash Bros. It can shoot out cannon balls and then suck, using the suck at a ledge can lead to a stale. You can also use the cannon to perform Suck and Cuck.
Oh crap, he is using his Super Suck Cannon.
When a female (Or gay man) Gets so angry at their cheating significant other they begin thinking about all the dicks they're going to suck to get revenge.
"Oooohhhh, I'm so dick sucking angry right now Karen. Carl's cheating on me again. I think I'll hit up his cousin Trevor and see how he likes that."
"Get that dick Girl! Wooo!"
A.) When someone sucks so bad they suck twice
Matt sucks at sucking at life so bad that it is the double suck maneuver
A female who sucks dick
Omg john she's a suck bitch stop cheating on me with her
your about to put your lips on someones dick
and suck that shit
"suck my dick please"
when I person wants to lose there hair they ask there bf to eat it
person 1 daddyyyyy suck my dickkkkkk
person 2 okay * eats* dick off while eating hair
person 1 ahhh~
person 2 maybe we can do something else next time
A less time consuming way of saying go fuck urself
Person #1 says: "Ay u own me money you bitch!!!"