Rules on the road that are made 2 be broken
No more road rules!!!!
a)rules put in place to protect people who can't drive.
b) Rules put in place to annoy people who can drive
Damn that new 40km in streets road rule!
one of the original reality shows, this MTV series puts 7 people that they figure won't get along very well in an RV, send them on random missions to earn money,and let them live (and get in fights) together in front of cameras for a few months.
If you like reality TV you can watch Road Rules on MTV.
kick ass show that puts a bunch of people in a winneabago and make them do stuff they'd never do in real life
Road Rules south pacific was crazy!
One more dumb way that the government tries to control us.
Bush: "I think that we should have road rules so I cantrol these freaks even more than I already do."
The term used when you have to decide just what you wanna' do to the guy in the next lane that just cut you off, and almost killed you.
"That's it! Road Rules apply, and now it's my turn.."
God dang tree loving hippies that made this bullshit up so as their precious tree's dont get smashed in half by some crazy drunk driver.
Swedish (hippies) couple traving in the desert with 1 tree in sight. So they drove straight into it, out of ignorance to get the road speed limit reduced at the sacrafice of 1 tree to save many more