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Ur Auntie a Thotie

The most terrifying and most feared insult in any language known, and has the power to win any argument with a simple phrase.

Andrew: ur mom gay
Jeff: no u
Andrew: ur dad lesbian
Jeff: ur auntie a thotie
Andrew: *entire human race vanished from exsistence*

by The reincarnation of Jesus March 14, 2018

National fuck ur ex day

It December 4th try fucking ur ex

Me: wanna fuck

Ex: I told you not to talk to me an noooooo

Me: but it's December 4th "national fuck your ex day"

Ex: ok then let’s do it! "National fuck ur ex day" December 4th

by National days998 November 16, 2020


Abbreviation on the internet for the word "You're" that is generally used when you don't have many available characters left to get your point across. While for the most part staying gramatically correct.

"There is no way ure this fucking stupid"
"Ure literally so pathetic"

by 80bbyJ0 June 3, 2024


Awkward but still cool needs to get a life. Nice smile thinks their cool.

Your jus like ure bro.

by Factual statemnts November 21, 2021


Ure is a Nigerian babe who don’t take no shit.

How you know Ure? That’s a bad bitch

by 1onlyure November 24, 2021

Ur daughter thotter

Way more meaner than ur mom gay and ur daddy lesbian litterally destroys anything and can not be countered by no u but not as hurtful as ur granny granny.

Jeff: ur mom gay
Henry: no u
Jeff: ur daddy lesbian
Henry: Ur daughter thotter
Jeff: OH H E C C *explodes*

by Unfriendly nicca March 16, 2018

clontt ur

the definition of a typo
someone so stupid that that autocorrect can’t even fix their spelling

Hey Swarup! How’s it going!
Clontt ur

by j🥺uwuwuwu June 4, 2023