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That's what she said

A phrase that is addicting to say once one person refers to it...sometimes taken out of contex so it may not even make sense...

a sex joke, aka things that 'she' would say during sex

Btw, 'she' is a dirty little slore

Bob: Yeah I had some jello yesterday
Pete: That's what she said!
Bob: That doesn't even make sense...
Pete: That's what she said!
Bob: Dude, shut up
Pete: That's what she said!

by g_gurl69 March 8, 2010

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What are you about

Another term for saying what are you doing or tell me about your life. A term spoken by a woman with a bad case of acid reflex and is said in a delicate whisper.

Allison: Hey mom, how was school today.?
Marie: Very tiring.....
Allison: Why was it was tiring.?
Marie: I don't know, just a long day...what are you about?

by black_cock6658 July 25, 2009

20👍 27👎

yo what’s bitchin

A way to say hi/hello

yo what’s bitchin

by rawr meow rawr January 16, 2022

what me up

What me up means, you asked someone to update or brief you about the current affairs or relevant local or global affairs.

I could not watch the news today, Can you what me up??

by Irma boy July 21, 2019

what the cow, man?!

a replacement for cursing that can be said in mixed company. 'cow' can replace almost any curse word, including shit, fuck, cunt, among others. see mothercow.

starrk: rebecca black is like the best evaaarrrr!

Bonzo: what the cow, man?!

by bonzo970 July 11, 2011

what is the best joke

That’s up to you. If you make someone happy that’s all that matters!

What is the best joke?

Nock Nock...

by bdoodle_akina November 15, 2019


An Itallian caricature of "whats the matter with you"

Chicolini: You are crazy whats-the-matter-for-you, why you make a face like this? whats-the-matter-for-you?
Pinky: ...

by Duck_Soup September 2, 2021