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alex is the best boi ever . he's so sweet and caring. he's also very beautiful and hot. he's the best husband ever even tho he always leaves you on read or liked. he also has a weird obsession with miles kane.

bibi:yeah Alex's not cool

by Alex's wife biatch May 2, 2022


A dick who has no dick.In other words, heś definitely ugly, but have become way less hot for not giving him what he wants in the milliseconds that he wants it from you.

friend:hey alex how are you
Alex : fuck you bitch

by 123455jk May 8, 2019


A masculine name mainly for white American or Canadian people. Alex believes that due to being a very small percentage of a non-white race he is entitled to saying the n-word and various other racial slurs. Due to his entitlement, he also feels little to no remorse for mocking other groups. Often found yelling slurs at people during PVP games such as Warzone, Apex Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege.

(Male friend): Hey Alex! Say something ridiculous

(Alex): n-word, no it’s ok I can say it because I’m barely a non-white race!

by the silly goober January 9, 2023


a person who is so full of him self

alex: I'm so smart

Kid: I was just asking you for a pencile.

by 1234567890123456780 May 18, 2020



Alex is a SIMP. Period

by Peter ;) October 17, 2023


Alex is retarded as hell, don’t give a fuck about anything.

Alex are you on the spectrum

by Definition of alex November 22, 2023


Alexes is the most trusting and loving person you’ll ever meet. She’s kind, sweet, understanding, she’s that type of friend who’s there by you side no matter what. Shes rarely ever mean unless it’s in a silly way. Once you get to know Alexes and start to get comfortable she will be the funniest person you’ll know. If you know and or like an Alexes make sure to treat her the best because she deserves the world.

Love you Alexes! -ARC

“Alexes? Yeah that’s my bestfriend! I love her so much, she’s my favorite person ever.”

by Doooooooookiiieeeeee November 20, 2023