Fruit that people often think of as a dick
Oh hey Sam, can I see your banana?
A long AR clip resembles the shape of a banana (usually 45 to 70 rounds clip for AR's)
This banana clip gonna do the job
banana, a subscriber of Onision who watches his videos so obsessively they begin to peel their own skin off while cannibalizing themselves to the point of death. most bananas aka Onisions subscribers wind up dead or in the hospital due to the cancerous effect of his video. Onision must be stopped.
banana: "Guy 1: Hey, have you heard of Onision?
Guy 2: oh you mean the next Hitler?
Guy 1: *kills himself*"
a type of person who is extremely stupid
person 1: oh my god, johnny is such a banana
person 1: I know, right? he is such a banana