Rather than reading it as Ur-ben Dictionary, it is actually Ur-Ban'd Dictionary. As in Your Banned Dictionary, because it consist of banned words that would usually be rejected from a proper Dictionary.
"Have you checked out Urban Dictionary?" - By Normies
"What the Fuck? It's Ur-ban'd Dictionary. You Big MotherFucker" - O-Mega Chad-eccus Ur-ban'd Dictionary'er User'er
Objectively the world’s greatest website for definitions for the most complex words within the physical form of communication known as “language”. The site includes such notorious definitions as Cuck, Bbc, A, Æ, Ur Mom, Sussy, and so many others. (BTW It’s better than wikipedia *wink*)
Dave: Hey you know the definition of bbc?
Mike: Nah I don’t think so? How about you search it on Urban Dictionary?
Dave: Great Idea!
Something that won’t let me write a definition about Ala Hu. And it’s making me use a gif. DISGUSTING!
“What’s Ala Hu?”
“Look it up on the urban Dictionary”
“It’s not on the urban dictionary”
The place where wholesome words become associated with sex
I used Urban Dictionary to have an orgasm
uhh yeahhh fuck yeah ahhhh
A place where people learn about shit the world should not know about
Johnny went on to the Urban Dictionary and got aids after words
A website that people use when their in school or doing homework
I failed my math test because of urban dictionary
The site that challenges you to find a definition without sex in it ie, Charlie in the chocolate factory (the definition is anal sex)
The urban dictionary has a lot of sex related definitions