A terrific example of a human being that can be cool yet also a complete douche. Basically, a best friend type person that happens to make choices in his/her life that make you wish you could hit them with a frying pan. A tremendous combination of awesome factors and qualities of the douchiest. Most likely in his/her 30's or 40's, and having lived an eventful life. Also, most likely to be a manager of a Cracker Barrel or some other embarrassing position.
Look at that guy, he is so funny and awesome, but he makes horrible choices and blows off his best friend to go to bed at 8 at night.
Wow, you just described a Douche-Nard!!!
(n) A delivery app driver that double-parks by the entrance to one's favorite restaurant, therefore blocking the entrance for in-person customers - such as GrubHub or DoorDash
Q: So whose car is that in the fire zone out front?
A: It's a to go food order, so probably just a Door Douche!
Another word for dumbass.
Dude quit being a dingle-douche and come on.
When you poop your pants and don't feel it and it drys.
He had a dingal douch and didn't find out till we got to the movies.
A douchebag capable of moving or being moved readily when the right girl catches his eye, or opens the conversation with I’m here on business, but I have homes in Dallas, New York, and LA.
A douche mobile is approaching our table.
Very similar to a Cheeky Dick Waffle, but leaning more toward 'douche bag' or 'needs to be punched in the throat' than 'clever'.
Westborough Baptist Church supporter: "Well, I think those children needed to die. It's a SIGN FROM G-
Random guy in the back of room: Oh, shut your whore mouth, you snazzy douche muffin. No one asked for your opinion.