Gets good grades at school and pays attention, all the girls want him. His voice is sexy af. He’ll fuck you silly.
Girl 1: I can’t wait to go to Daniels house after class today, he’s gonna tutor me then fuck me silly.
Girl 2: :0
Daniel is a very cool guy. He plays good piano. Born september 1. he is in AP science, and exended French, also plays good piano. He likes J A Z Z. His old girlfriend was Ina, who was very much in love with him. He is in love with someone from his old school, they are in AP Science and Extended French. He is in love with Claire ann rose ramos.
Jonathan: yo did you know DANIEL likes Claire
the best name in the world. Daniels are usually very chad. Daniels are very cool can beautiful. You simp for him because he is beautiful.
An eldritch blood god from another dimension many children dress up as for Halloween
An eldritch blood god from another dimension named daniel... another classic