A fiercely opionated friend with a voracious appetite for debate. Someone who will pounce on loose comments and opinions and attack without mercy.
Related to:
Facebook Chumming:
The practice of luring friends (Facebook Sharks), by throwing "chum" into the water. Chum usually consists of political or religious comments... far too tempting for a Shark to ignore. The water in this case would be status updates and walls.
When someone knows a Facebook shark is around... making a comment like,
"The Church isn't interested in money or power...."
carefully or carelessly, depending on your level of drunken-ness, weeding out bad pictures and embarrassing statuses on Facebook, like preening an already shit stained coat
Ehh, I got a few minutes... I think I'll do some facebook-preening.
Facebook Bombing is a form of computer fraud to involves harassment involves the act or acts of an individual the creates multiple facebook accounts under different or similar to the original account with the prime objective is
1. online harassment
2. making threats to kill or hurt
3. dating harassment
4.scams and more
5. bombarding people with unsolicited images of a adult nature
facebook bombing is where you receive multiple replies from the same person using different facebook profiles and gives the impression the a different is agreeing or making threats with them
It doesn't exist, they already have your info.
Person: Can I arrange for a Facebook interview?
Mark Zuckerberg: Oh there's no need, we already have everything ;)
Person: wait, what?
Mark Zuckerberg: what?
Someone whose total education comes from FaceBook.
Children nowadays only get a FaceBook Education.
People who are in a relationship, but have yet to announce it, are classed as facebook single. They can then enjoy the privileges of giving the appearance of being single (i.e. to flirt with people on a night out) whilst covertly being in a real-world relationship.
It's ok Geoff, I can buy her a drink as I'm Facebook Single.
Someone who poaches your wall/friends list and adds people from yours.
Person 1: Hello how're you ? :)
Person 2: Abit agrivated really just found out one of my friends is a facebook poacher.
Person 1: Ooh i hate that its so annoying.