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George Bush’s neck

A particularly used and worn out vagina.

Man mission accomplished I just got in that George Bush’s neck

by Ameister321 October 2, 2018

george mitchell school

a really shit school in leyton where a bunch of retards tried to protest for no reason. also a school with a lot of fat people

george mitchell school is the lowest rated school in leyton

by cuckoldery123 April 30, 2023

gorgeous george

defines george travers as a sexy man

hay gorgeous george

by sugdaleftone July 19, 2022

George Whitby

A stunning personallity and very funny guy to be around. Clever smart, and shows it off.

Shy at first but a great friend once talked to and always great in a relationship.
Good athlete and always makes funny comments to make others laugh and is all around a solid 8/10

P1 "hey that was pretty funny man what's ur name"
P2 "oh its george whitby mate nice to see u"

by Jackman11 February 15, 2021

George Droyd

Dead George Floyd resurrected and put back together as a machine built and designed by Elon Musk(Tesla) and Mark zuckerberg(Meta). By using Tesla's great knowledge to put him back together as a cyborg human and use the entire Meta fund to create and upload data.

Alice- look over there, its George Floyd. I thought he was dead.

Michael- No that is just a robot.

John- it's neither one, it's George droyd

by Awarrior_fromNorth December 17, 2024

31👍 1👎

George Droyd

The resurrection of George Floyd as a droid in 2077

Guy 1: “OMG is that George Floyd?”
Guy 2: “No silly, that’s George Droyd!”

by Bradlingtonion December 10, 2024

george david turner

a very handsom sexy beast of a man who will destroy any one in bed he has a very big cock and nows how to listen while he fucks youre bestfreind, he alsop plays the guitar so he is very good at strumming the g string.

he such a george david turner

by gogo david March 22, 2017