When you wrap a wrap at maccas and get the perfect finish
Bro that wrap is so perfect did you jerk and roll it ?
when you're so stoned all sense of speech leaves your body and you can only think about food
Tyler: yo wade you look baked as shit
Wade: chicken roll
When you sit down in and accidentally sit on your balls and roll them as you are sliding into the seat.
Awe shit I just marble rolled when I sat down!
On hat worn by cuteservative protesting against "Me Too".
My cinnamon roll dad don't need no job - he's got me.
the job which a frigid fat or obese girl would give to her boyfriend.
an explanation is that the boyfriend would lube up her stomach and then push her 'rolls' over his penis then 'go to town with it'
boyfriend; Oh My god im so horny, please have sex with me.
Girlfriend ; No,
Bf; Give me a blowjob then.
gf; ill give you a roll-rub, if you have some lube.
bf ; ill spit on it.
when taking an adderall and drinking
Hey Marty, did you hear she was rolling in the paint last night?
When a black man is getting jerked off and he is about to ejaculate.
Stacy had herself a real dark chocolate tootsie roll.