an exclamation that can be used in many circumstances. it is a less profane version of "oh my fuckin god" and more positive. it can be used when something is funny, surprising, or maybe dumb.
Peppa: George, we won the lottery!
George: oops i've spilt your tea
Peppa: ugh oh my heckin god ur cancelled
Peppa: OH MY HECKIN GOD ! GEORGE LOOK AT THIS MEME i'm laughing so hard
They’re extremely hurt and heartbroken. It’s gonna take a while for you to forgive them.
Used When you are very angry at someone and you are also Indian
Oh my bloody hell Lewis why would you kill my family
A Canadian phrase often said in response to really any sort of claim or statement from another Canadian. It is meant to mean "right on" or "how 'bout that". Very informal in nature, usually used in conversation between two guys who are friends or at least casual acquaintances.
Canadian Man 1: "So Donny was telling me the ponds are ready to go for the winter eh".
Canadian Man 2: "Oh yeah eh?"
Morgy Oh is a phrase that is used to describe the biggest vagina in existence. It is also used to describe a male orgy... which makes sense because Morgy Oh is a big fan of male orgys.
"That Fayg toouk my fookin Aye-D"
"Morgyyyy Oh"
"Can you guys stappp?"
"NAH! Morgyyy Oh"
Something you say to your friends when they say something extremely stupid.
also known as "oh hell no"
Friend: do you potato.
You: oh helz naw
95% white 3% filipino 1% black 1% the rest 100% a bunch of sheltered losers who smoke weed or are addicted to school
Person 1: Man i heard that “Grandview Heights OH” was a good school
Person 2: You’ll only be accepted if your black