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Uno Reverse

After safe intercourse you take the condom just used and flip it inside out and put it back on and stick it back in and get her prego. Therefore the uno reverse.

EX: "Damn bro did you hear cock biter Stephanie is having an unexpected baby?" Guy 1. "Yeah bro I heard it was an Uno Reverse." Guy 2.

by Nick is a gay faggot September 27, 2021

uno reverse

when you disagree with a statement, And want to reverse it to the other person. it is also a card in the game uno

Person1; Your an idiot
Person2; Uno reverse.

by Riniscool March 8, 2022

Uno Reverse

It's a uno card at is very broken. If use correctly you may become a god. When use the other person must do the opposite of what they said.

Person 1: Give me money
Person 2: Uno reverse

by Man Face is cool June 16, 2022

UNO reverse

A cringe one-liner used by middle schoolers only

Chad: You’re being a dick to others
Ace: Uno reverse
Chad: that’s for middle schoolers, oh wait, you are one, I’m a grade higher than you, I’m in my freshman year of high school, cry about it

by Hazodaki October 2, 2022

UNO reverse back

UNO Reverse is in reference to the UNO card game. It means "back at you". It's usually used when you want to be polite, without being extra.

Linda: I love you!
Lilian: UNO Reverse back.

by lolo250 January 8, 2022

Reverse Cuck

When the cuck is watching you, but you aren't the cuck, you are the reverse cuck.

"You want to reverse cuck today? I hired a guy to stand over there for tonight."

by VexingVays November 13, 2023

Reverse Kearagirl

When a girl (preferably named Keara) reverse rides their partner while drunk off Malibu rum

Yeah we did the reverse kearagirl last night, I came like 15 times.

by helloimtired May 12, 2020