A person who secretly watches a lot of porn or knows an excessive amount of sexual things and it’s completely opposite to the persona they show people.
John was cool and all, but I found out he was a freaky bum.
Sarah’s a freaky bum she watches porn like everyday and is still horny!
The act of setting on fire one's fart and lighting a fuse on an explosive with said fart.
Billy set off fireworks on the Fourth of July with his explosive bum breathe.
Gay anal sex after spicy food
guy 1-I had a bum blitz last night
guy 2- I don't need to know that
A cigarette rolled from dried pine needles camping
We have no smokes but can roll some bum wads to get us by….
Bum Rot is any form of disease, illness or ailment which originates or directly affects the Anal region at any point of the ailment.
The term was first coined after Freddie Mercury states in the film Bohemian Rhapsody “I’ve got it boys” to which the response from the original coiners of the term responder “The Bum Rot”
Anonymous: “You try shtanding on a production line for 12 hoursh, with fuckin’ shit falling out of yer arse every 30 minutesh”
Anonymous 2: “You’ve got the literal Bum Rot”
Residue of toilet paper left on someone’s behind after wiping.
“Did you know kyle’s dad’s “bum crumbs” float up to the top of the water when his dad has a bath”
The feeling you have in your rectum after eating fiery hot chillies
Man do I have serious case of bum anger this morning after last night's chillie feast!