The mother who takes a million photos of everyone she has around her at all times, flaunting all the good things she does for those in her life
Defined: Someone who wants everyone to think their life is the best Id the best, they help everyone and surely want anyone and everyone to know it. Posting all the helpful things they do for the community
“Wow Nancy really wants to be a Facebook Super Mom”
A girl who posts fully clothed pictures for the sole purpose of getting attention and likes from men or women.
That girl sure is a facebook half hoe, she almost a facebook hoe.
Someone who purposely posts statuses that they know will get liked constantly. This person will always get 30 likes plus on anything they say, because of how famous they are on Facebook. Along with posting statuses to purposely get liked, this person will always complain on their posts, post song lyrics, and play "Truth Is".
Wow, that kid got 99 likes from bitching about another person, what a Facebook hero.
That kid purposely posts statues to get liked, what a Facebook Hero.
Bob said, "Hi" as his status and got 47 likes, what a Facebook Hero.