A phrase of approval, similar to "The dogs bollocks"
Man 1: "Hey man, that new painting you've finished is The Rat's Vomit"
Man 2: "Thanks man!"
This is the action of fucking the living daddy issues out of a abnormally dirty, hairy and crusty cunt of a lady with less than desirable hygiene standards.
My breath still stinks after that filthy bitch I fucked last night. "Oh was she a nympho"?? No mate she was literally filthy her underwear looked like somone spilt lemon curd in them! "Oh you did some "Rat Bashing mate", good show good show.
A term coined by Cole Paton and used in tay k’s The Race. Used to complement anything
Dude this party is a total rat cave
A person (typically a female) that prefers the dating preference of all races. It stands for Every beautiful type truly radiates passion; their diverse preference captures vibrant openness.
“Hey after being a snow bunny for years I think I now prefer all races.” “Congrats on joining the equal bohemian tongue tag rat piss troglodyte diverse preference carmel vanilla omni life!”
A nickname for the lagomorph beauty, Miss Poppy Tula, a finely featured white rabbit with velvety grey ears, who lives in Seaside, California with her adoptive mother, Dr. Bunnygirl and her husbun, Max Planck AKA Ratboy, a highly intelligent theoretical geophysicist lagomorph who happens to have enormous ‘street cred,’ due both to his advanced education as well as his ability to understand the subtle importance of being just a regular rabbit who lives an unassuming life in the ‘hood.’
“C’mon, Tula Rat, let’s head out to Baldemiro’s and pick up some refried bean tostadas for everyone!” said her erudite husbun as they hopped into their Prius.
A set up where a goon uses a hoodrat to lure a guy into an ambush/robbery.
Marco got robbed the other day. He went to go see some freak but it turned out to be a rat trap.
A plan to physically capture or incapacitate a snitch.
“Bro he just snitched on my dawg we gon catch him with a rat trap