A female version of a douche bag.
Look at Sara, she is nothing less than a douche koozie wearing all that Ed Hardy.
Someone that is very condescending, patronizing, straight up rude, etc.
That guy's being a real Wonder Years Douche!
A description of a guy who is never wrong, full of shit, self absorbed,better than anyone who ever existed and just an overall ass hole. Aka Dan Telese
I know this douche nozzle extraordinaire, he is so annoying I'd rather get my balls stomped on by an elephant than be in the same room with him.
A person who is a much bigger douche bag than the regular douche bag
Oh God. Derek is such a douche tote!
A hickey left on you by a douche that breaks up with you via email the day after receiving the stamp.
Do you have some make-up for my douche stamp?
Someone who exceeds the limits of being a normal douche bag or douche canoe. The ultimate form of douchebaggery.
That was the most horrible thing a person could do. What a douche-tanic!
When a person is cool or fun to be around most of a time, but occasionally will turn on his or her douche faucet and the doucheness will just flow out without stopping.
Chris: Dude, we were at "the party" and Joey just totally turned on his douche faucet, pushed me in the pool, called Connor a fatty, paid in pennies for 18 bags of chips at the store, then mugged a chinese immigrant, molested a three year old, and punched a mexican prostitute in the face!
Nik: What a douche faucet!
Geoff: I think Joey's douche faucet is taped down in the "on" position.