Caribbean term for "Suck your Mother"
Lee: I don't like you
Liam: Go suck yo motha, I don't like you either
Sonic Youth.
Now I liked this band when I was younger but they have not aged very well. Their music all sounds the same also and it gets old fast. They are also very lame. Their only good album was the 1985 album Bad Moon Rising.
You know what band really sucks?
When your battery is low. Or you had open some Apps ,so they stole your battery.
Overreacted Mom: I called you 25 times why you didn't accept
Child: Sorry i was on Snapchat and played some Games so i had a sucked Battery.
King Of Sucking Dick Is Ronan/Marco.
If You are Friend with him you better safe guard your dicko.
Approximately the time that you boutta get your meat sucked. Can be anytime of the day but preferably after midnight and before 6 AM.
Oh guys I gotta go, GF says its Meat Suck O'Clock.
*Exits to get bj*
Sucks per minute (abbreviated as SPM) is how much succ a girl can give in a minute. One succ = one complete bob of the head.
"Yo how is your new girlfriend?"
"Dude she's great! She has an average rate of 87 sucks per minute (SPM)."
"No way! My girlfriend can't even get past 60 SPM."
When you play Twisted Fate against assassins.
Suck ass :
"Fuck Fizz"
"Fuck Rengar"
"Fuck evryone"