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do a round

when you need to take a pause to urinate, smoke, and refill your drink.

hey can you pause Netflix? I need to do a round.

by psychobabbleme December 7, 2013

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slinking round

when a person is getting slizzard all over the place while watching their grandma take shots.

I had a ton of tequila and so I invited my grandma over then I slinked round for an hour and I told my friends, "yo i'm slinking round."

by yatta di December 4, 2010

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'round poundin

also known as earning yo vag badge, round poundin is the female equivalency of circle jerkin

i just walked in on your moms 'round poundin...sweet!

by 5 point August 16, 2010

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Round for Pound

Being lead into a bathroom where you find yourself in between three men circled around you...you black out and then find yourself woken up to a dick in your ear, eyelid, and a mud pipe being shoved up your peehole

"I went to a rest stop the other day and I got a Round for pound"

by Mcchickenboi December 10, 2018

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the wheels on the bus go round and round

A nicer way of saying " corruption is, was, and will be generational"

Hilary Clinton cooing her granddaughter: sweetie, we Clintons live by a different set of rules. remember, you are destined for great things, corruption is not genetic. Corruption is a case of the wheels on the bus go round and round.

by Sexydimma July 3, 2016

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short rounds

little chunks of poo, either human, dog, or otherwise.

Will said he'd be right back after squeezin' out some short rounds.

by troy lutz January 8, 2006

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round robin

when youre on bottom and shit starts to get boring so you do a barrel roll to make things froggy

i hit her with a round robin before i nutted

by roll cage May 21, 2018

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