Source Code

sas x lucy

SAS X Lucy is a ship of LucyTheWolfSky and Superfoxy101.. A ship is a shing you put a name x name =>

I like the ship sas x lucy

by Jdjsskfh April 4, 2018

Ko se ko sa

Ko se ko sa: a way of saying you’re fooling around dirty or not

Guy1:what’re you two doing
Guy 2: ko se ko sa
Guy1: What???
Guy2: oh nothing

by Grainneofficial July 17, 2019


First used by Carrie Bradshaw in 'Sex and the City', meaning the butterflies in stomach for being in love. The kind of feelings that you cannot focus, eat and your palms sweating.

I didn't have Sa-sa-zu at all when I was dating with John.

by EarlGreyBird July 22, 2016


A heartbreaking quote from 'Banana Fish' an anime

Sa-Ya-No-Ra Eiji...

by Hiriko November 11, 2020


Sa, touching without consent, m on m, f on f, f on m, m on f.

Person- Want to have sex/ can I touch you?
Person2- No, I’m not comfortable / in the mood / or just straight up no
Person- * rapes/touches *
That’s how SA can work.

by Medusa my love September 4, 2022


Fat bitch

Omdssss Jasveen is such a SA

by SAindahouse April 18, 2020


The Sturmabteilung (SA) was a branch of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP)

hm and dozens of SA leaders were summarily executed.

by UrbanDic1453 February 17, 2024