A phrase used by the younger generations that people are done talking about 90s basketball and that modern basketball is way more competitive
Gen X: Jordan is the goat Lebron would’ve never survived in the 90s
Gen Z: We done with the 90s there was no defense back then
A phrase said when talking about how the skill level in the nba back in the 90s and late 80s was very low compared to today, and how the dominant players had no competition since they were going up against plumbers.
Alvin: mj better than lebron
Jack: mj had no left hand and he played against plumbers and construction workers, WE DONE WITH THE 90S.
we done with the 90s is a way to refer to the old nba stars, saying that the level wasn't the same.
Michael Jordan the goat? look at this play... WE DONE WITH THE 90's
we done with the 90s is a way to refer to the old nba stars, saying that the level wasn't the same.
Someone who give 90% into a relationship only for the other to give 10%.
Why in real life were fully together but over text it's a 10/90
90/20 Rule is definition of doing something for 90 minutes and then jerking off for 20 hours.
Bro: Yo bro, what you doing?
You: Learning dawg, so fucking boring
Bro: Well remember the 90/20 rule.
You: What's that?
Bro: 90 minutes of work, 20 hours of jerking off.
90/20 rule can be used on anything.