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gypsy soul

Someone who possesses a gypsy soul is a person always in need of change and/or adventure. A gypsy soul seeks the next best thing in any life situation. They can be very passionate and often inspired by different ideas, attitudes, and experiences. Their sense of identity isn't always sure of what they want out of life but they are determined to find it.

She is a wild child
With a gypsy soul
That dances with the stars.

-Madiha Batool

by Wolfskill August 16, 2021

banana soul

Banana soul is a fullfilled life and the highest um... euphoria a... ay... person could have. Or highest sense of euphoria and... um... now... (Jo, you can have the controller again).
To reach Banana soul you need Ellie’s approval , other ways include:
-Being a good boss.
-Following Ellie’s instagram @BananaSoule and liking all photos.
-Liking commenting and subscribing Alpharad plus’ videos.
-Getting it from someone who already has one

-Can I have some banana soul Boss baby?
-I’m Baby

by Plussy_Skylander December 7, 2019

soul family

people that you meet in life and feel as if you have known them forever, you are automatically drawn to one another and become loyal to one another within months. You will do anything to help them and they will do the same for you. Sometimes referred to as the soul fam or just fam

That girl is part of the soul family.

by TricksyNyxsy February 24, 2015

Soul Barfing

When one opens their mouth and barfs on another person their emotions and soul garbage. This can be done in person and often on social media.

I wish my friend would stop soul barfing on facebook.

by Get your mirror out November 13, 2018

Soul Yodeling

When a singer is covering up the fact that they can't sing by going on extended and irritating vocal runs.

I am never going to another R&B concert again, the soul yodeling was unbearable.

by Dr. Polka April 30, 2013

soul job

Deeper and more meaningful than a hand job or a blow job.

'Laura I'm going to give you a soul job and make your soul cum!'

by Ken Legend October 14, 2017

Rotten Soul

When you burp from the depths of your being and your rotten soul is exposed to everyone within a 10ft radius piercing their nostrils.

Did you hear Francesca’s rotten soul? Yeah and I smelt it. That killed part of me.

by Lyssandsam December 17, 2019