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Okay, goodbye, Edan. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the good times we've had. However, I truly hate you--like, I absolutely hate your fucking guts

One of the greatest insults of all time. Originally said by Johnathan Andrew Wicker, Junior on June, 18, 2019

Johnathan said this to Edan, "Okay, goodbye, Edan. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the good times we've had. However, I truly hate you--like, I absolutely hate your fucking guts," Edan killed himself shortly after

by the milk man667 June 13, 2019

22๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

absolutely fucking massively gay



steve: "im gay"
cole: "but im absolutely fucking massively gay!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!"

by me3053082084130 February 11, 2022

Absolute Carrot

An Absolute Carrot is someone who isn't completely tone-deaf, stupid, and arrogant; yet is just tone-deaf, stupid, and arrogant enough to be agitating to others around them. These types of people are just discrete enough to the point where most people who actually interact with them understand they are deeply flawed, however, everyone else thinks that they are a great guy.

Mike: I have no clue why everyone invited Steven to come to Applebees with us, he told a 9/11 joke to the waitress.
Jeremy: Did he really do that? On September 10th? What an Absolute Carrot!

by EliTried December 21, 2021

Absolute peckhead

Someone who has a skinny frame with ginger hair.

Person 1: fuck off lad I'll stab ya
Person 2 : oh Ben mate stop being an absolute peckhead

by Jimmy savie September 5, 2021


The comparison of two items with properties. The first being that one average item trumps the other average item but if both items are "good" then the reverese is true and item 2 becomes better.

grass absolutes turf.

meaning your average turf is better than your average grass pitch but a good grass pitch is better than a good turf.
brunettes absolutes blondes.
meaning your average blonde is better looking than an average brunette but a 10/10 brunette is more attractive than the 10/10 blonde

by Oh My Goodness :O December 31, 2025

the absolute SEXIEST man alive

dom is the sexiest man alive and he loves watching gay midget hardcore anal hentai

somebody walks into doms room...
dom is naked and he glittering somehow and in the back round you see hentai porn
Man"what are doing"
Dom"what do you think i'm doing"
Man"you are the absolute SEXIEST man alive"

by me kill YOU December 15, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

absolutely dot

Resolute no-no in accordance with restricted sites

Outa site - outa mind? Absolutely dot.

by Hercolena Oliver September 24, 2008