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Unknowingly destroying or ruining the future of yourself or others.

β€œHe’s going to aidanize his own future by not caring about school, what a shame.”

by FunnyWordCreator March 9, 2022


A self aware and irresistibly intelligent hotty with a body. She has looks that kill and when she glances my way, I feel like I'm snow boarding.A really nice guy who is always truthful and caring. His personality is always the best. He's always kind, and his smiles are always genuine. If he likes you, then you're a very lucky person.

Aidan means "little fire" or "fiery one" in Irish. He's very energetic.The most perfect boy imaginable. Sweet, understanding, funny, and kind. Never one to let you down, and always one to keep you smiling. The best boyfriend, or friend, anyone could ever ask for. Simply perfect.

Omg Aidan.. is so hot.

Emily and Aidan.. will be a great couple

by Mr. finder November 27, 2018


Aidan , maddest cunt ever. all bitches . blow him ,

oooh Aidan we love you , let us make love to you with our mouths :D

by ALABALOOBAAA March 8, 2005

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Aidan is athletic, smart, hot, really funny, kind, loving, trustworthy, and just the most perfect guy.
He has a smokin' hot body that makes the girls love him.

"Aidan is so hot, i love him so much"
" Aidan's body is just the most prettiest thing i have ever seen"

by QueenBQQ May 27, 2016

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


aidan is a penus

aidan is being a aidan

by pig2 January 14, 2020

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The biggest bend going around loves a few cruisers with the girls and sits while he pisses. but most of all hes got the wettest jumpshot going around and never misses from 3. He's penis bends downwards that reaches places most men cant reach

"oi boys check out the AIDAN"
"wow he gets a nice bend in his jumpshot"

by bigcock6ix9ine October 30, 2018


Fan of Aidan Davis, a dancer on the CBBC show Friday Download.

An Aidanator is a supporter, a believer and an inspirer. Most Aidanators are teased and mocked because of who they are a fan of, but an Aidanator always stands up and takes it without being offended. Dedication to their cause is a way to pick out an Aidanator from a group of others, and sheer determination to meet their idol is clearly written on their face. An Aidanator goes through a mixture of positive and negative emotions daily, so it's best not to provoke them.

Did you see that Aidanator over there? They're a fan of Aidan Davis!

by curiouslycinnamon July 5, 2012

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