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Leave Orwell enough alone

In George Orwell's novel "1984", the dominant means of controlling people is through 'doublethink': The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. Yet even there, Losing was not Winning and Winning was not Losing, as is passionately believed by many in 2020 America.

Let us please leave Orwell enough alone. Trump's loss is not a win. It is a loss.

by Monkey's Dad November 16, 2020

Falling Alone

it’s when you’ve fallen in love but alone. you are in this black void and instead of someone being there to catch you or falling with you…it’s just you…isolated.

“Have you fallen in love?” he asked

“Maybe…it kinda felt like i was falling alone though.” she said.

by godeater1902 August 28, 2023