When you can't have regular friend, because everyone are so dumb, that only gf or bf can be your friend.
So you have a gf.
Yup, she chick. I talk only to her.
You're in alonefulness. You ain't got a beer since you started to fuck her.
Alon baloon choked on soap laid an egg and didnt manage to find thee
Alon berger did it again...
For christs sake!
So, don't teach them about religion, right? Do people want their kids being taught the being gay is wrong or the God doesn't make mistakes?
Hym "Hey, leave the kids alone with that religion bullshit. They don't have the mental capacity to tell the difference between reasonable beliefs and unreasonable beliefs and they're going to predicate their morality on a lie. If they're 18 and they want to believe that the creator of the universe spoke to the jews and talking donkeys, that's fine. But keep the kids out of it. Or kill some kids. Kill as many as you can. It'll be tight. And I'm like a diety now or like an ancient demon of something so if you do it in my name... I'll get points in Hell or something. Does hell have points? Is there a point system? Get 1000 points and you can exchange them for a nerf gun."
No. Fuck your kids.
Hym "No. I'm not going to leave the kids alone. Your kids are what you're doing to justify this and they will be the ones who pay the price if you aren't willing to."
it’s when you’ve fallen in love but alone. you are in this black void and instead of someone being there to catch you or falling with you…it’s just you…isolated.
“Have you fallen in love?” he asked
“Maybe…it kinda felt like i was falling alone though.” she said.