Ariel is a funny and chill guy who doesn't take anything too seriously. He likes to laugh and is always looking for something new to try out. He is smart and gets bored easily so he always has a lot of friends to entertain him. Animals love Ariels, so prepare for a lot of excitement pee.
Ariels can also be intense in life and in bed. They usually have sexy eyes. They have lots of natural confidence and never back down from a fight. Don't get into an argument with an Ariel unless you plan to withstand a typhoon of words. If an Ariel likes you you'll have a loyal, caring friend for life. Ariels keep the world humble and on its toes, but also in a good mood.
The name Ariel is from Biblical Hebrew and literally means "lion of God." In Shakespeare's The Tempest, Ariel is a sprite who acts as a spy for the magician Prospero. Sneaky! Ari Gold plays a funny and clever agent in the tv show "Entourage," where he works hard, plays harder.
Look at Ariel – he's just a hot guy bein' a hot dood.
Ariel is so cool, I wish my name was Ariel.
When your name is a verb because you break everything you touch.
"She Ariel'd it up again. Now we'll never know what her capstone project was."
Ariel's have red hair. It says so in the movie! They are always ALWAYS redheads. If you meet a non-redheaded Ariel, you have either met the Mafia, Jesus, or a serial killer using Ariel as their cover name. But, if the Ariel you meet is a redhead, you have met a true friend. Ariel's (again, only applies if she has red hair) is such a kind sweet person. They are pure and following the laws of Disney. Love all those ginger Ariel's. I'm pretty sure the world in running out of ginger's or something, so please protect the gingers!
Person 1: That girl is really hot!
Person 2: Isn't she named Ariel?
Person 1: Wait, but she's not a redhead!!
Person 2: OH CRAP! RUN!!
a beautiful individual that loves her friends and dose not agree with adults she is very rebellious and has a fine ass everyone loves her for one thing and that is pleasure
i did an Ariel last night
He might seem a bit weird at first, which is because he is. But overall, a great person and friend. If you find an Ariel u should prob marry him, unless hes taken... skill issue. He's also tall so he'll be able to get the cookie jar on the top shelf.
"Hey who's that handsome tall looking fella over there?"
"Idk broski, looks like an 'Ariel' to me"