In Mexico? And then they elect not a Mexican but a Jew? And what is the point of the Jewish religion again? What does the messiah do in the Jewish religion? Take over politics and institute a Jewish monarchy? Is that it? I'm pretty sure that's it.
Hym "Right but the only reason she won was because of the 37 assassinations, right? So I don't really give a fuck about the policies. That sounds like a coup. I thought shit-libs didn't like coups?"
Guy or girl really good at snowboarding
At the bottom of the trail we were overtaken by a snowboard assassin.
Assassin Battery is home to the baddest airborne artillery paratroopers in the world.
Nothing beats hanging out with the boys from Assassin Battery.
To bribe someone of their belongings in a slayful manner
Yo i just got this laptop for free and i took his girl I'mma finesse assassin
Something you don't see often.
Your murderers might come with a smaile, but they're not usually wearing one when they kill you. Not all shooters are male, so a smiling shooter/assassin is rare in either sex.
The 'Assassin Walk' is the mythical representation that the Assassin's from "Assassin's Creed' are the creators of the first Gangsta Walk. This mythical representation is taken from the 'Assassin's Creed' games. Notably: 'Assassin's Creed (The First Game)', 'Assassin's Creed II', 'Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood', 'Assassin's Creed: Revelations', and essentially most or all PSP affiliated 'Assassin's Creed' games.
The actual walk is to walk with your hands, wrists and arms back and walk with only your shoulders moving.
The real Assassin's that existed way back then may have actually walked like that to be aware of possible surrounding attackers.
Friend: Dude, you walking like a Gangsta! You can't do that, you ain't a Gangsta like me.
Assassin Walker: You're right... I'm not a gangsta. That's why I'm using the 'Assassin Walk'. I'm walking like from the creators of your precious Gangsta walk.
A fat white YouTube gamer who is also believed to be gay
Your such and Assassin 4g