High Tops was produced by Skee Ball, Inc. in 0.
Skee Ball, Inc. released 19 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1980.
Other machines made by Skee Ball, Inc. during the time period High Tops was produced include Alley Hoops, Circus Hi Rise, Killer Beez, Operation Vortex 2000, and Skee Ball Classic.
Bob: I’m going to play the Rare Skee-Ball Hi-Top Shoe Basketball Arcade Game Today.
When something is recommended to you repeatedly, so much so that it puts you off said thing forever.
Man, I never ended up watching that movie due to the basketball diary effect - it was recommended to me so many times, I just started rewatching Party of Five.
When something is recommended to you repeatedly, so much so that it puts you off said thing forever.
Man, I never ended up watching that movie due to the basketball diary effect - it was recommended to me so many times, I just started rewatching Party of Five.
*Online conversation in which no one knows the other skin color*
Jamal : Man i want to eat and play watermelon basketball and kfc
Other man : yup , you're black
4👍 1👎
4 Star studded basketball prodigies duke it out in a 2V2 format all while being recorded for their YouTube series.
I'm going to watch Gaynor Basketball
I shoved a refrigerator up my ass
Urban dictionary basketball asshole
That basketball enjoyer just stole that lady's purse!