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Why is the rum gone?

1: Because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels.

2: Because that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire royal navy is out looking for me, do you think there is even the slightest chance they won't see it?

2003: Elizabeth Swann "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl"

See Also: But why is the rum gone?

But... why is the rum gone??

by Foxinatomy July 18, 2012

69👍 1👎

Gone to rat shit

This expression originated with the British Royal Navy from the time of the wooden sailing ships. Storage of food aboard these vessels was quite primitive and foodstuffs were subject to attack by the numerous rats living on them. Frequently food, or other stores, would be destroyed by rats or so contaminated by them as to be totally unusable, the crew would then say that whatever had been destroyed had 'gone to rat shit'.

The expression became common in the Royal Dockyards where its use expanded to mean anything that had become broken or unusable whatever the cause. The use of the expression further expanded to mean someone who had changed from being a pleasant person to an unpleasant, grouchy bastard, or someone whose health was beginning to fail.

Malcolm's made another major fuck-up with the website, it's all gone to rat shit.
Yeah, when Sally told him about it, he screamed at her like it was her fault! He never was very nice, but now he's really gone to rat shit.
Malcolm's gone to see his doctor again, he really has gone to rat shit.

by Croatalin December 20, 2013

itchy gitchy gone

to be fucked up on any opiates, especially heroin

I'm going to sratch myself til I bleed while burning a huge hole in my pant leg cause I'm itchy gitchy gone

by kandiblades June 11, 2008

56👍 1👎

Compliment Gone Wrong

When someone compliments an unattractive individual to make that individual feel better about themselves (actually meant to boost their self esteem) but it’s actually not true; the individual then mistakenly takes it seriously from there on out and has an inflated ego.

Example: Sarah thinks she’s hot shit since she got those breast and butt implants but she’s actually a “compliment gone wrong”.

Dave sure has been acting like a “compliment gone wrong” ever since he got those new hair plugs.

by WickedHellamean November 5, 2018


What you say when you invite your girl to watch the bee movie but she begins to take her clothes off and touch your front stinger


by Thot hunter 42069 June 6, 2019

gone girl

/ɡɒn ɡə l/

to insert a wine bottle into a person's vagina/anus forcefully, as in the 2014 film Gone Girl.

"Omg. Why is Karen walking like that?"
"I think Mike 'gone girled' her last night with a nice Shiraz."

by Cunthzibar January 23, 2015

16👍 128👎

Princess gone Prostitute

Blog detailing the fashion faux pas of trashy chic. These girls don't understand that if you dress like a whore, you are a whore.

That bitch with her leggings, knee-high boots, and exposed bra is a total princess gone prostitute.

by princess not prostitute August 28, 2011

198👍 14👎