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Beaner Doughnut

A Beaner Doughnut is a Churro. So named as its the Mexican version of a doughnut.

Isobel would you like a Beaner Doughnut? Adam asked as he pointed towards the churros stand.

No thank you, said isobel as I fucking hate cinemon.

by SiRaDaM88 November 19, 2018

Coffee Beaner

A white person that owns a coffee beanery, where coffee is brewed. Americans or people who love drinking coffee, a person who drinks way too much coffee. Americans who love coffee or Starbucks.

I love coffee, I'm a coffee beaner. I drink it every day.

Uncle Craig owns a coffee beanery, yup he's a coffee beaner, just kidding.

Americans can't get enough coffee, I guess we're a coffee beaner nation.

Stop drinking so much coffee you coffee beaner.

by Equal crack May 4, 2016

Coffee Beaner

A white person that owns a coffee beanery, where coffee is brewed. Americans or people who love drinking coffee, a person who drinks way too much coffee. Americans who love coffee or Starbucks.

I love coffee, I'm a coffee beaner. I drink it every day.

Uncle Craig owns a coffee beanery, yup he's a coffee beaner, just kidding.

Americans can't get enough coffee, I guess we're a coffee beaner nation.

Stop drinking so much coffee you coffee beaner.

by Equal crack May 4, 2016

Beaner Speedball

Railing a line of Adderall, while on Valium. Referred to as, "beaner," because a real Speedball is heroin and coke, adderall representing coke, while valium is substituting heroin.

I snorted two lines of addy an hour after popping three valium, the beaner speedball fucked me up for english class.

by adavvgum May 27, 2010

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Beaner balls

Have that stinky smell on your testicals that smells like beans and rice

Yo, I got mad beaner balls right now... ow shit thats rank

by Gdawg38 October 15, 2010

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a person who lives in Mexico and as well is sexy just like me

USA Fucker: yo beaner come and suck my ass
sexybeaner : i can suck your ass but call me sexy-beaner son of a bitch

by LoseYourSelf July 15, 2006

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Beaner Lag

When everything seems to move in slow motion Calebs bowlcut

Call of duty is for beaner lag child molesters

by GingersChokinMakesMeGoLOLOLOL December 7, 2009

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