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Best Practices

This phrase is most commonly used by larger public institutions and corporations to describe what they believe to the best way of doing a particular task or providing a particular service. The phrase assumes that there is one best way to do something all the time and in any given situation. It is unclear if "Best Practices" is based on empirical research or if it is just some employee or middle-manager's armchair theory of what works best. In short, " Best Practices" is basically someone's set of guidelines for doing something. However the term "Best Practices" sounds more professional and has an air of authority and legitimacy to it that was lacking in the word "guidelines".

Project Manager: "I have to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the CIO of our company"

Co-worker: Have you consulted the Best Practices PDF for giving PowerPoint presentations?"

by Jazzcat60 September 20, 2019

Best Country

a bunch of instagram meme pages that spam really long copypastas in comment sections, mainly in geohistorical accounts, some are good and funny like france glorious nation honhon and hungary thebest, however most suck, only not as much as meme accounts with the word authoritarian in

nigga best country accounts are annoying

by jewoninsta July 21, 2021

Best buds

Bestfriends that smoke weed and prefer to be called best buds instead of "besties"

Me and Alyn nah we're best buds

by Galeprairie June 20, 2019

the best dictionary

Urban dictionary... duh

The best dictionary is the Urban dictionary- Myself

by Mr BB May 29, 2017

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Best friends

People who you may not see often but you they are always there. You may have arguments but you never say anything behind their back and you stick together like a team. You can tell them anything, and they can definatly keep any secret :) How ever old or young you can never lose your best friend. It take a long time to find a best friend but when you do find them you have them for life.

I love you best friends, not in that way, like a sisterly love <3

by I.am.me. February 12, 2012

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Best of Both

2. A bread invented by Hovis, made to taste like white bread, but have all the nutritional goodness of brown.

3. A Hermaphrodite.

" Yesterday we went to Tesco and bought some Hovis Best of Both for our fussy child. Today we found out our fussy child may be 'Best of Both' as well."

by yournewstalker December 30, 2010

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A hoe that you can count on.



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