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MX Bikes

A video game available on Steam developed by a guy who has no idea of what he's doing. Poorly optimised, few and bad updates. Surprisingly the best motocross video game out there, which makes people pissed off. Would buy it again.

"I really hate MX Bikes, but I can't stop playing it."

by GreenLenux June 15, 2022

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community bike

Someone (coughs) who has been ridden by everyone in the community

Dennis is a community bike

by Sweaty baller November 9, 2015

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The local bike

Someone who everyone has riden.

"I think katie is the local bike. Everyone has riden her"

by TheWaffleStomper! June 23, 2018

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bike drifting

when you slid your bike sidways by pulling on the rear brake hard. Becoming more popular after 10 year old kids watched tokoyo drift. attempted by many mastered by few. there is nothing sicker than a good bike drift.

did you see that kid bike drift man that was sick yo

i did some sweet bike drifting

by nathan666 February 6, 2010

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Get Biked

A phrase one would use after KO'ing somone in smash bros with fox by using his up smash, a form of popping off against friends.

GET BIKED eedoit

by GET BIKED May 9, 2019

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candy bike

A ridiculously, obnoxiously color-coordinated fixed gear or single speed bike. The builder of the bike has spent all effort on the bike's visual appeal, with little or no regard to performance or practical riding aspects.

Common features include more than three different bright neon colors, custom painted spokes/rims, custom strung spoke patterns or "twisted" spokes, colored chains and chainrings, colored grips/bartape etc.

See tarck bike

Rolling down the street on his checkered deep V's with red spokes to match his oury's and red hubs mounted to a frame detailed with a red, white, and blue fade, he flicked his chin up and basked in the radiance of his candy bike's glory.

by cherry vanilla July 24, 2010

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Town Bike

A girl of questionable virtue. i.e a dead cert for the price of a bag of chips and family size bottle of tizer.

wear a condom, do not rely on the rythm method. also see MORE PRICKS THAN A DART BOARD

by Tezza November 11, 2003

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