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Mexican Blanket

When you are having sex with a woman, right before you cum you throw a blanket over her face and scream something that that sounds spanish. As soon as she uncovers her face, punch her in the mouth.

Benji just gave biggy a mexican blanket.

by Biggysteez August 9, 2011

24πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Blanket Man

Blanket man is a wellington icon who earn't his fame by doing virtually nothing. He is commonly seen sporting a pair of skimpy underwear and a raunchy purple blanket (hence the reason for his name) Until recently he did not wear any underwear but now the law requires him to. You can find him at any giving time roaming courtenay place and is most commonly seen outside the burger king on tory street. He graciously accepts any burgers offered (preferably cheese burgers)

Ben is a self-proclaimed devotee of the Māori sun god Tama-nui-te-rā and claims that he should wear as few items of clothing as possible, as an act of religious observance. As a result, he is also tempted from time to time to remove all his clothing, which results in the consequent attendance of police officers.

Blanket man also known as Ben Hana has been arrested and imprisoned from time to time for the following offenses:

-Public Nudity
-Possesion of cannabis
-Driving when drunk
-Driving unlicensed vehicle

In 2010, a judge ordered that Hana be made a mental health patient to be housed in Wellington Hospital's psychiatric ward 27, where "he will have clean clothes, regular meals, and no access to alcohol and drugs".

its interesting how blanket man is perceived by many people. Some find him to be a public nuisance and others a figure of amusement, sympathy, disgust and at times even academic interest.

"Hey look its Blanket Man!"

"Lets give him a burger!"

by nomityyyynom January 22, 2011

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

hot blanket

The act of placing a blanket in a dryer, therefore making it warm. Then, your partner takes a dump into a sock. You are placed on an ironing board, and secured using the now hot blanket. Your partner then beats you with the shitty sock and jerks you off.

Dude, that fat girl Theresa gave me a *hot blanket* last night.

by Anonymous2882 November 22, 2008

18πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Pig in a blanket

wrap a piece of ham or Salami around your penis and stick it in a girls vagina or anus

I was hungry and horny so I gave my girlfriend a pig in a blanket.

by sebassebas320 September 17, 2012

22πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Blanket Queen

Prefers giving oral more than recieving. Much like the opposite of a β€œPillow princess”

My girl is a blanket queen so it’s like March 14th everyday.

by Taner Acton November 16, 2018

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

wet blanket

that one triplet on My Super Sweet Sixteen they keep referring to

I don't wanna be a wet blanket anymore; that's why I'm dressing like a slut.

by Ashlarr December 31, 2005

262πŸ‘ 294πŸ‘Ž

pig in a blanket

an uncircumcised peen. having extra meat.

do you have a pig in a blanket? are u ashamed?

by purpie February 13, 2005

17πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž