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Something ugly as F!

That boy's face is brass man!!

by Brass March 11, 2016


A prostitute aka sex worker.

That crystal chick is such a brass bro!

by AM98 August 23, 2022


Code word that rapper emubi used when he was in highskul.

Wasup D boy,u gat some brass?

by Vodoh May 19, 2009


J. Terry your mum is a brass!
Give her a quid, she'll lick your arse!

Brass is a prostitute

by edgorson November 19, 2018


cockney rhyming slang for take away

"Do you fancy an asian brass tonight?"

by jaykay1984 February 28, 2024


Shirt for bare ass or to bare ass. To slip your hands under ones trousers to feel their bare ass.

John: “hi Stacy do u want to meet my mate
Stacy: “yeh sure”
John: “he says u have a nice bunda so can be brass u”
Stacy: “yeh sure. He’s tops anyways”

by Swagmanbillybobthesecond October 7, 2020


Used to describe something that’s bad or dead

1. That guy is so brass at basketball look at how he shoots
2. Nahhh bro that’s such a brass tune

by Local Bossman October 30, 2018