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elyse and brett

the most gorgous girl you will ever meet with the softest lips also the best girlfriend ever and really likes to box out and likes to suck ur face off

Guy: did u c elyse and brett they were all over each other

by yessirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr October 23, 2006

12πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

brett favre

a piece of shit from an anus hole.

dude i destroyed that toilett.

oh shit! thats one big brett favre!

by patty bman September 15, 2008

53πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

Brett Righter

A player, and a boy that always has a new girl. he can't stay put with one girl. he always needs more than one. He makes sure that every girl he talks to fall for him, and once they do they can never get up. they will always love him because he puts them under a spell. You cant get him out of your head. He is bad at making out, but he always leaves you wanting more. You always want to be with him although he might no always want to be with you. He has very big commitment promblems, and he always likes to have "hoes." Hes hard to live without, and he's impossible to forget.

dont fall for Brett Righter. He'll just play you, and then he'll try to date your best friends.

by brettbabe December 30, 2011

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Brett Favre

a code word for viking, a high potency blend of marijuana.

Yo, i heard tumbles has that sweet Brett Favre

by C Tumbles November 4, 2010

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

kelly and brett

1. A relationship in which the female is so domineering that she removes the man’s penis and carries it in her pocket.

2. A couple who join a group of friends, then the female talks about everyone and creates general discontent among everyone in the group. The male simply watches and says nothing to upset the succubus he is stuck with.

3. A couple in which the female produces abnormally large amounts of testosterone causing her to be a crazy bitch; and the male produces abnormally high levels of estrogen and lets her walk all over him cuckold.

Have you met our new neighbors?
Yeah, I heard her belittling him and his friends earlier.
Oh, so they are a total Kelly and Brett couple then.

by utopian reflux May 29, 2007

9πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Brett Favre

Running at a partner, and leaping so that your crotch is in the face of your partner, essentially teabagging your partner's face, a la one of Brett Favre's touchdown celebrations.

3rd and 8 from the 22...Brett Favre, drops back, looks left, a throw to the back of the end zone.....AND DRIVER HAS IT! Favre leaps into the face of his offensive lineman!

by BSH2MSU October 8, 2007

52πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

Brett Favre

a once great football player for the green bay packers. he is now a minnesota viqueen(viking). he is also very indeciesive. thats why the packers gave up on him and took aaron rodgers. i was ok with him on the jets in 2008 but not on the vikings. WHAT THE FUCK BRETT?

i saw Brett Favre get his ass whooped by the packers the other day.

by 'brett' favre November 1, 2009

17πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž