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broken happiness

as happy as one can be broken inside

broken happiness till the end

by BumStatusYo December 17, 2018

Broken toaster

A word to call your boyfriend to make him weirded out.

“Thank you my broken toaster.”

You’re welcome purified fridge water.”

by li horan <3 November 14, 2021

Broken AC

The ability to have ice in your veins, but spitting out flames

Ayo, that kids rap name should be Broken AC for being so cold but spitting out the truth

by Brokeded February 24, 2018

burp broken

The act of burping with someone who isn't your burp buddy

I would be so burp broken if you were burping with someone else

by ffodos August 9, 2019

Broken Trumpet

A sexual maneuver where the girl sucks a limp dick until it ejaculates.

The Broken Trumpet challenge has been sweeping Europe off of it's Feet!

by El ritardo July 2, 2018

Broken Hammer

A broken hammer is just like a tool but is less useful, very annoying and someone that thinks they are better than you.

Jamal is acting like broken hammer.

by ThickBoi33 November 17, 2020

broken bridge

term used to signify a broken friendship

man that girl back stabbed me! our friendship is a broken bridge

by anonanal November 23, 2016