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Cabbage Walk

Cabbage walk is when two or more people go to a certain area only to leave right after arriving at their destination.

It also is a danish tradition, called Kohlfahrt ("cabbage walk") is when peopel arrange a walk through the countryside to a village pub, usually in mid-winter.

Dude 1: Hey bro, lets go to the canteen and get some food!
Dude 2: Yea sure thing bro lets go!
*dude 1 and 2 arrive at the canteen, and they see it full*
Dude 1: Yo bro this place is filled lets go back
Dude 2: Yea bro we just did a cabbage walk

by PooPooPeePeeHead January 27, 2020

Cabbage Boy

A Cabbage Boy is person who is a beta male and will not stick up for themselves in any scenario.

Shut up Cabbage Boy.

by A_drain August 6, 2020

cabbage sprinkle

Cabbage Sprinkle: the tasteful art of spitting menstrual blood on your lovers face.

Rod is so ravenous when Eve is raggin, he slurp it up and served a served a cabbage sprinkle on that nasty bitch's face.

by Venusbilly January 28, 2014

shredding the cabbage

The act of rolling back the foreskin on your penis.

We were about to get it on when she started shredding the cabbage.

by Denseenigma August 6, 2020

cock cabbage

A very putrescant case of genital warts

Someone with the IQ of a root vegetable

I really should have used a condom my dicks now covered in cock cabbages

Those urban dictionary editors rejected my definition they're a bunch of absolute cock cabbages

by Snarflecakes July 12, 2017

Unseasoned Cabbage

An idiot who does something rash in the heat of the moment

p1 is being aggressive about who won at club penguin connect

p1:You’re such a selfish dickhead
p2:Shut up you unseasoned cabbage

by ILiveInACabinInAlska January 27, 2020

tant cabbage

The hair between your ass hole and tant

Noah has a lot of tant cabbage

by Doublecombo July 26, 2015