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Hoppel snatch confusion

This is when you go down on a gal but pop right back up and say "I just cant". When asked whats wrong just play it off as your tired or not feeling good. Then go watch tv or sone other relaxing activity. Most likely the female will think its her snatch and be all frantic.

Man did you watch the Kings game last night?
Yeah i caught it from the second period. Fuckin had to put a Hoppel snatch confusion on Amy again.

by THE JERALDS LOVE HANK January 15, 2023

confused dick

when a males dick doesn't know which shade it wants to be.

Chris' dick is brown and pink, the shaft brown and the head pink. He has a confused dick.

by LNSQueen1790 December 2, 2009

Very Fucking Confused

The self-given nickname of Adam Stanheight.


by 64SilverEyes October 30, 2023

Confuse abuse

To confuse abuse someone is very similar to emotional abuse. Imagine every day you are made to feel like you have done something wrong and everything is your fault when in reality it isn’t, it is the other person - that is confuse abuse. To drive someone who hasn’t done anything wrong insane whilst they try figure out what is up. To constantly have a go at someone for nothing. Confuse abuse can lead into several mental health problems such as: psychosis, depression, anxiety and low self esteem. This can also result in suicide or extreme depression. If you think you are getting confuse abused... tell someone, get help.

I just don’t understand what I am doing so wrong every day to deserve this, I’m getting confuse abused.

by El0963 April 3, 2019

Post-Nut Confusion

Post-Nut Confusion, (Not to be *confused* with post-nut clarity) is the feeling of confusion after you have just bust a nut. It's like you don't even know what you just watched. You don't feel shame or guilt, just straight-up confusion.

Person 1: What the fuck did I just watch. Dude, I think I just got Post-Nut Confusion right now, not even clarity. I'm just confused as hell.

by skkkys March 22, 2024

confuse and screw

the act of confusing someone and this leading them into having sex with you. it has been found that the more you confuse the person, the more interested they will be in having sex with you.

He took her to the party and then didn't talk to her the entire time. When they got back to his house, they had sex. It was the ole confuse and screw.

by magentaorange April 6, 2016

confusing humbug

1. A person who uses and/or coins new buzzwords for deceptive purposes.
2. (informal, possibly derogatory) A narcissist.
3. (informal, derogatory, rare) A harmless drudge; an orner'umbudge.

Samuel shouts, "You, systemitaster. You can no longer obhibitirute my ischyogalactic mind based on Cosmicattitude."
Adam then reconsiders his decision and then thinks, "I am not sure why Samuel is a confusing humbug?"

by LDMbrooksBoroughyWordbook November 25, 2021