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What the fuck are you doing? This is your fucking chance. It's not too late if you do it now. Scared of rejection? Bitch, please. I would rather try than be all depressed in my room wishing I've tried. Fuck it. This is your chance, and a sign. Or just stand there and see him/her with the wrong person. Don't let your heart that took 9 months to make be broken by one person. Go for it.

Fuck it. I'm going to confess to my crush this is my fucking chance.

by Fuck. My. Life. June 21, 2020

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someone you love but is crushes your heart because he/she might not like you.

my crush might not like me

by michelle scantling February 20, 2017

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1. Noun. A temporary, quick to arise love that often has nothing to do with emotion. Also referred to as puppy love.

2. Verb. Hard fucking. Mostly used by a dude when referring to what he is going to do to a female or her vagina. Used in a similar way to tap.

1. "I think I'm in love" "chill bruh it's just a crush"
2.Have you seen that new teacher? She looks fresh outta college!" "Hell yeah, ima crush the jont"

by Longjohnh January 30, 2011

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To take a shit on someone


The substance on someone after "crushing" on them. See above for the verb usage.

Verb: See that bitch I wanna crush on her so badly

Noun: Jill what have you been up to, is that a bit of crush that I can see on your shirt?

by abcdefgabcdefg1432 June 11, 2009

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Tell your crush how you feel about them day btw be safe cause it’s NNN😁

Me: I really like you honey boo boo
Crush: Me two

by Ur savior November 10, 2019

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someone you'll never get.

your crush will not like you back, simp.

by A hooman who'll ruin your day August 5, 2020

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That person that makes you're PP hard. But you're to shie to ask her out.

I have crush on Isabelle.

by Doofenchmertz_lil_Niga February 18, 2021

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