Source Code

Deck on sight

To hit someone as soon as you see them, usually with someone youre plannin to fight .

Katie: You heard bout Alexis talkin shit bout you ?

Courtney: Yes, I already told her I was gonna deck on sight .

Maddie: Did you see Farrah knock out Sarah earlier ?

Savannah: Yes, It was a deck on sight .

by YasminMayhemBitch October 27, 2012

big deck

A large warship, namely an amphib or a carrier.

Have you ever been on a big deck?

by SemenTimmy May 27, 2017

Deck of Cards

When a woman has a nice set of breasts and a nice butt

Man, that woman has a nice deck of cards

by theCapriSunNun July 4, 2023

decking tool

When you want to call someone a fucking hoe but want to be polite.

Decking= Fucking
Tool= hoe

She's a decking tool!!

by TheOGGoat! September 29, 2017

Spawner Deck

Used by assholes who have no real skill in the game of Clash Royale. Makes use of cheap card that deploy as many troops as possible. They do not win towers but make games last until the end so they win by damage. People like this usually smell like shit and can be found scraping gamer gunk out of their varied orifices. They also will brag about all the money they’ve spent on various mobile games.

Get a load of this asshole. He is such a pussy that he’s using a Spawner Deck.

by The Scarlet L June 27, 2021

Deck Slept

Occurs when you are so drunk that you end up passing out ten toes up on the deck of ones house after a crazy party.

"dude, last night was wild. i got right deck slept!!!"

"man did you hear about darryl? he got deck slept after he made some couch chocolate with a girl he dirty sanchezed"

by Rasmus Hans Christianson October 23, 2011

Mopping the Deck

Mopping the Deck in when you are about to cum you pull out cum on her then hold your erect penis like the handle of a mop and your balls and the mop head and mop that shit up

Guy 1: yo my girl is so into pirates I treated her to mopping the deck
Guy 2: dude I tried that with my girlfriend last month now shes mine for good

by SocksScandals March 15, 2019