Source Code

Deez Nuts

an overused vine that has since become obscure

Person 1: Hey I got you a package

Person 2: Of what?

Person 1: A big ol' package of DEEZ NUTS, HA GOT 'EM!!!!!

Person 2: -_-

by SomeGuyWithNoLife February 2, 2016

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

deez nuts

deez nuts !!!(^_^)

teacher:whats the answer to last nights question?
cody: deez nuts

teacher:omg *slaps forehead*

by bignutsackfandom November 11, 2020

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Deez Nutz

"Deez Nuts" Distributing. A distributor for edible nuts located in Willits, California. THE HILARITY NEVER STOPS! OHHHH!

Uh... see above?

by renee January 27, 2004

17πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Mickey Deez

When you and one of the homies have a down ass bitch. You stand approximately 8ft apart and both piss on her face, givin that bitch a set of Golden Arches. Bonus points if you make gargle it while she tries to say β€œI’m looovvviin iiiiiit” Drop that bitch back off at McDonalds cuz she’ll need some napkins

Yo remember that time we gave that girl down at TGi Fridays the Mickey Deez. She was so wet I didn’t give give her no tip.

by Doctor Drip January 3, 2021

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

deez nutz

Fun to say

Deez Nutz!!


by MaddieMouse1234 November 16, 2015

4πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

mac deez

a huge homo erotic person that likescock put where the sun does not shit and having end up in there mouth

one of my friends which is a prime example, he is a walking mac deez

by matt February 18, 2005

9πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Deez nuts

something a boy has but a girl dosen't have!!!

Lick Deez Nuts Biotch

by Dada truth April 2, 2006

7πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž