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The point where you realize that all the differing opinions and thoughts of individuals are pointless and only make the world more muddled; The feeling you get when you find that having an open mind doesn't work all of the time; Realizing that people on the internet and IRL are complete retards and the likelihood of meeting a genuine person is very low.

People need to realize that stereotypes like Emo and Cynic and Idealist are fucking stupid and that they need to get over their overpowering need to classify things for the greater good. Depression is a natural human emotion, so stop devaluing things that matter (unless you want to be a goddamn automaton).

by SadDino March 7, 2011

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what i sink into every day.

billy sank into a deep depression after shooting the shiny liquid up his arm. billy then found that knives hurt when you rub the blade on your writsts.

by the cage September 24, 2003

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A word that a lot of 14 year old kids use when they want to fit in with a certain group, but it just makes them a laughing stock.

Hey Jimmy, is the depression getting to you again?

by my parents biggest accident April 6, 2021

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A term used by angsty teenagers whom were recently rejected by the ones they have had feelings for. A.K.A (Normies who feel a lil bit of sadness)

Megan wont talk to me anymore so now im going to go down a tunnel of spiraling depression

by RealNiggaAndar May 31, 2018

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When you watched pewdiepie’s video this morning and have nothing to watch in bed because he’s the only thing worth watching on YouTube.

Oh shit, I watched pewdiepie’s video this morning now I have nothing to watch! I am filled with depression...

by ? ? ? ?? ??? January 15, 2019

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When your best friend doesn't want to look at stupid urban dictionary definitions with you so you wallow in your sadness for eternity.

#crushed #heartbroken #lostpurpose

Artemis prime : Aw damn it now I'm depression

by Mufasas pizza alien September 8, 2019

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A mental illness that is real and isnt just a feeling of sadness. You think suicidal thoughts when it gets really bad. Some people sadly carry out their thoughts. Depression can occur after bullying, abuse, just from anything, etc. When your depressed, you feel numb, empty, worthless, ugly, dumb, and such horrible things that arent even true. It's just your mind. And your mind is one of the most dangerous things when you let it get out of hand. Depression isn't just in your head though. It can cause people to feel sick, tired, restless,etc.

It's really sad how people commit suicide every minute. Because they cant handle the thoughts in their head anymore. That's absolutely horrible what people have to go through. Depression is real. And horrible and very dangerous. Please dont make fun of others and if you see someone who seems lonely or upset, talk to them, you might just save their life.

by Non binary rat ●W● September 23, 2019

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